ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 11, 2019

#Lessons_From_Past_Elections - 1. Fragments can never make a complete picture 

This is probably the biggest lesson from Indian democracy. Indian voters tasted this for the first time in 1977 general elections. An ensemble of 12 different parties hurriedly came together as Janata Party and swept the elections with 298 seats out of 542. Once in power, each of those 12 parties got unmasked. Their unquenchable thirst for power was exposed. Their pre-poll doctrines disappeared. Their character of belittling themselves for power was unveiled. The internal fights of these fragments of a political party ensemble left a bad taste in voters. The progress of nation took a nosedive. Internal and external security of the nation faced a setback. Various problems that are dogging our nation today either started or intensified during this regime. The menial fights of our leaders made our enemy nations very happy! Overall progress of nation went back by a decade. The government did not complete its term, mandating a premature election for the first time in the history of independent India.

The darkest phase of Indian democracy was 1989 general elections. Pieces of parties joined together to acquire the power only to auction the honour of nation at a global level. Inept people incapable of taking a single firm, bold decision became heads of government at various capacities. The then Home Minister contributed his best to devastate Kashmir to a cemetery. Never before the foes of our nation were happier! The severely damaged Kashmir has proven to be a daily challenge for us even today. The economic situation of the country fell to the crevices and forced to mortgage the stock of nation’s gold. Just to recoup losses of those two years, our rupee was devalued to half the price in international market. But the loss to the honour of nation was thousand times more than the financial losses. Again, there was the need for an early election.

The 1996 Lok Sabha election was indeed a parody of democracy. The disgusting post-election alliance mocked the helpless franchise, thereby losing any leftover respect for the elections. The phrase "Anyone can become Prime Minister of this country" was coined at this time! Excusing himself from any contribution to nation, the man on power simply uttered phrases like, "only if I had the opportunity” or “the idea behind that project is mine” and so on! Such empty phrases would not only mirror the helplessness of the position of power, but also of the citizens who voted! Our neighbouring nations simply laughed at us, saying "Repair your country first; then think of talking about others” For decades those neighbouring countries which were in the grip of our nation slowly got loosened and went to our enemy's control. The country's security got beaten badly. The leader who could not hold the legs of his own chair steadfast could not be trusted with ensuring the firmness of national security. Our leaders brought us to a situation where even small countries of our neighbourhood did not care for us. Apart from the premature elections, there were no other options left.

This is the actual situation. The political party does not matter. Overall, the country must have a government in the centre which is capable of standing upright and with respect. It should not be threatened by its "allies". The history has taught us that the loose tie-up of tens of parties will only take the country into anarchy and premature elections. This is probably the biggest fact we have learned from the past history.

This election is very important to us all. Everybody needs to vote. Everyone should have their own Voter ID. Everyone should know their constituency and polling booth. Everyone should reject an ensemble of loosely aligned power-hungry parties in order to steadfast the national security. This is the only truth. Whatever may the individual ideologies be - please support a single strong political party for the sake of nation. If the same political party you are supporting today becomes another fragment of a party ensemble in the future, the patriotic voter should reject that political party on the same ethical grounds. Election is not a cause of any political party; it is the cause of nation. Learning what is the best for the country is more important than anything else. Let's vote for the political party which is most proximal to a single party ideology. Whatever might come- please vote.


ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌‌ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ